Wednesday, April 30, 2008






Tuesday, April 22, 2008

22th april

its going to be a long day. planned, satisfied, and sleep.
till i open my eyes again, everything is just beautiful.
getting closer and closer, fading without a notice given.
come on, next time perhaps.
i have my own ideas, my name is ZiLi

Monday, April 21, 2008

Serve, and served.

its 21st of april, its chiaHui s birthday 2day. 19th. old sial. =p
yeah, one year gone just like that. too bad tis year we dont have a joint party. apparently mine and his is just 3 days seperated. we did birthday together for the past 2 years, always a successful one. how i hope i can have a party this year, its time to gather all the friends together. but due to some reasons, there wun be one this year, i know chiaHui wanted to, so do i, but....sorry ar=p
ZhiAng was saying he would wish chiaHui earlier than i. it didnt happen though. im always punctual, haha. i will go back in May, u said u gotta treat me.haha. sometimes i serve, sometimes u serve?

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

i had a 2 and a half hours break yesterday.wanted to call kv to ask where is he, its been a long time since i last saw him,imagine, we r in the same college. ended up eating with classmates and played pool. they suggested to go to the ADP library, which is far better. i sensed that i shouldn't be going there( thats why i asked them to play pool).
indeed, i ended up hiding myself. i just look from far. i saw a happy face, smiling, talking to frens. there is one, no, two. or maybe more. seems like settling well. thinking not to disturb, i walked out the library. its hard to describe the feeling. the distance was so close, yet so far. i should be happy, at least that she is not alone, good.
im easily swayed by emotion. pull the trigger, blump. my friend was asking me whether i can be quiet for 10mins. i can quiet for the whole day. i always tink i m me when playing ball. or in my room.
i got 56 for my contract, surprisingly, i got the highest! joint highest, with kristine. haha, i never expected it. but see, 56 is the highest, its like just pass half the mark.haiz. i dun really happy though, m i peaking now? i always tink that i m sort of bell shaped people. if i reached the peak, i ll fall down soon. i rather i fail. like tort. then i ll have the determination to work for it. ok, had been wasting my time playing FM and reading blog. now its time for contract. u see, im not that lazy!haha

Monday, April 14, 2008

This post is for William, since he requested it.
Okay,final score, 2-1.
He called me during half time. i said the most Arsenal could get is a draw and most probably MU will win. Arsenal perhaps have a glimmer of hope if the scoreline kept at 0-0 until Wenger brings in Walcott.
it came through.
Arsenal did score 1st, i told chiaHui dun happy so fast. yeah ,MU equalised within minutes.Sloppy defence brings them into trouble again. by the time Wenger intro Walcott, 1-1, the momentum is on the MU side dy. A great freekick, nothing keeper can do.
so to my thoughts.
i think Gilberto maybe lack of match fitness which cause him to act slow. Gallas sometimes reckless. Toure has been outta form since ANC. Song is the only surprise that not so surprise. like i said, very good players brings u 2nd or 3rd place. Ronaldinho seems available, why not have a try? Samir Nasri and Benzema still in French League, get them out!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

its comma, not full stop

They made my SAM life colorful. they did.

Yeah, they are in the plane now. will reach Sydney on 6 10 morning on 7th of April. They, not he. its plural. joeZer and szeZhan (its kind of weird to call his name - foo), yes foo, are going to Australia. it will be a year the next time we meet. Futsal, party,pyramid all ran through, passed. i hope i can see foo in sep, he will be coming back for his grandpa's bday for 2 days.
i really cherished the time we had in SAM. we never lose contact after SAM, we will continue that, arnt we? i will be keep my eyes open to see whether they online in MSN. Its a comma between us, full-stop? never! the essay never ends like this.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Qi Yue Qi Ri Qing- 七月七日晴

Intro another song. Very nice. Everytime when i feel bored, this song keep me companied.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

A scene, a thought and a disaster.

Wednesday perhaps be my last time of seeing Joe be4 he n foo leaving to AUstralia this sunday. After futsal, chiahui was with me and we went to Rain's hz to watch Arsenal, kicked off at 2;55 a.m
We took approximately 1hour30mins to reach PJ. What a good public transport system Malaysia has.=s
A scene. i was reading my beloved Contract Law textbook in RapidKL when suddenly chiaHui walked up and gave his seat to a pregnant lady, yeah i actually noticed that lady came on the bus but i never really notice that she was pregnant.( i was too concentrate on my Contract?=p) Chiahui is always a good guy. the bus was packed. next, an old man with a crutch came on. yeah i knew its my turn to do it. i did. Next there is a blind couples board onto, no one actually give away their seats!WTF i was thinking. Finally a women of early 50s i guess gave away hers, and an Bangledeshie did the same.
A thought. i was ashamed with the scene. in the whole rapidKL there are simply more than 30seats, why cant others that supposed to give seats give? i saw a security guard (young), a few Indians, Some Malays. why we need a woman at 50s to give away hers? why cant the security guard did? why cant Malaysians automatically give their seats and a BAngladeshie where often discriminated did such thing? i felt ashame.
A disaster. Arsenal drew again. again they are not supposed to draw. Referee, open your eyes. stop denying Arsenal.haiz. i got nothing to say as i thought Arsenal performed well, so did the fans and everyone except the referee.
Everything might just gone after your denial. i just hope you dun regret too long. =p